My daughter loves going to her dance classes at Richland Academy! She is learning so much and she loves her instructors!
Jen ParentWhat do you think about the Academy?
"It's beautiful! Because that's where the ball is and it's so fun."
What are your favorite things?
"The musical instruments, my tap shoes and Miss Erin's purple hair, it's amazing."
Why do you like it?
"Because it's so fun and it's my favorite place to go."
It has been almost 7 months since we came to live in Mansfield, from Spain. We could not imagine how lucky we would be to be part of the great family of Richland Academy. The affection with which they have always treated us and the love for dance that they transmit to our daughter in every class and every rehearsal, you can't pay with money. We feel very fortunate. THANK YOU!!
Alejandra Garcia ParentFor ten years the Academy dance environment with Sarah, Marden, and Erin, pushed Meiyan to excel, to work hard, to be a supportive and artistic athletic dancer. She values the strength she gained, the coordination, the abilities, the understanding of dance, the camaraderie, the guidance - all of it. She now carries those confidence building and collaborative experiences in herself at the University of Cincinnati, where she studies Mechanical Engineering.
Julie & Greg Timberlake Parents
Richland Academy of the Arts has had a profound impact on my life, not only as a teacher, but as a member of the community. I’m so grateful not only for the opportunity to teach dance, but to build relationships with my students and to be a part of their lives, as they are part of mine. I was married this year and a significant portion of the guest list included the staff and students of Richland Academy. We are a family, and at a time when you wish to be surrounded by the people you love, this place and these people surrounded me. That is what the ARTS can do!
Erin Wolford Dance Instructor, Richland Academy of the Arts